How To Forget Someone You Truly Love

How To Forget Someone You Truly Love: 20 Epic Steps (2022)

Sometimes a relationship doesn’t work out no matter how strong your feelings for your partner. The reasons for a breakup are numerous but they all boil down to an incompatibility between partner. Forgetting about someone you love is hard but not impossible to accomplish, this guide has 20 surefire steps on how to forget someone you truly love.

Love is a splendid thing, which begs the question, can you ever forget someone you love? The answer is yes, while you may never completely forget them depending on how deep your feelings for your ex run, it is possible to forget and move on even if the memories remain.

Learning how to forget about someone you love takes patience and effort on your part but you have already taken the first step by picking up this guide. The 20 Steps you need are broken down under five subheadings to help you fully understand how to forget and move on.

Please remember that everyone is different just as their situations are different, while these steps will work faster for some than they do for others. I can assure you that you will see the results in time now without further ado, let us get started on all you need to know about how to forget about someone you love.

How to Forget About Someone You Love Deeply

How to Forget About Someone You Love Deeply

Can you forget someone you truly love? That’s a tricky question but the answer remains the same, yes you can. The memories of your time together will remain unless you suddenly suffer amnesia then you would be spared.

But it is possible to relieve your heart from the burden of your feelings even with the memories of your ex. Here are four unique ways on how to forget about someone you love deeply.

1. Feel to heal: The first step on how to forget about someone you love deeply is to feel the pain. You need to grieve because your relationship with someone you cared for deeply has come to an end, rushing this process will only harm you in the end.

Let the tears run, scream if you need to, lay down in bed for a few days, shut the world out, and have the space you need to vent and grieve. There is nothing to be ashamed of as the pain in your heart is a testament that your feelings were real. Embrace the pain, do not cage it, letting it run free will help you heal.

2. Burn the memories: Once you have gone through the worst of your grieving stage, you need to get rid of personal items from your former relationship. That’s right “former”, you need to say those words, accept it, your relationship has ended, you have to be willing to move on in order to actually move on.

You can accomplish this by throwing away everything that reminds you of your ex, from gifts to pictures or their personal items. Whatever it is, throw it away, delete the pictures, delete the messages, and delete or block their number if necessary. Distance from your ex is required in order to forget about him or her.

3. Open up: Learning how to forget about someone you love takes time, which is why you will need all the support you can get. Do not bottle up your feelings on the inside instead pour them out to your friends, mind you I wrote “your friends”, venting to mutual friends with your ex will only have the opposite effect.

Talk to your friends or family members you trust, people who have your best interest at heart, and will always take your side. A healthy way on how to forget about someone you love deeply is by talking about the breakup, this will help you gain a different perspective about your relationship with your ex, and you could even find out things you never knew about them since you were blinded by love.

4. Love yourself: On your quest to learn how to forget about someone you love, you need to remind yourself that you are someone worthy of love. It might not seem true right now because someone was not able to love you the way you deserved but do you know that you are meant to love yourself more than any boy or girl ever could?

In loving someone else you have neglected yourself, now is the time to get back on the self-love you missed out on. Use this breakup period to focus on getting back in shape, changing your style, getting that degree, or job you have always wanted. Do all the things you love and more, focusing on you will give your self-esteem a boost and keep you from thinking about your ex.

How to Use Psychology to Get Over Someone Fast

How to Use Psychology to Get Over Someone Fast

How to get over someone fast? Try using psychology. Psychology is simply the study of human behavioral patterns and it can be used in this case to help you forget your ex. Here are four ways on how to use psychology to get over someone fast.

5. No contact: The first step on how to use psychology to get over someone fast is by following the no contact rule. The no contact rule is just as the name implies that is zero communication with your ex. This means no calls, no texts, no meeting up in person, and no interactions on social media.

The no contact rule lasts for a period of 30-90 days which allows you to have enough time to grieve, come to terms with the breakup, deal with the negative emotions, focus on becoming a better model of yourself, and most importantly forgetting all about your ex.

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6. Write a pros and cons list: The step should be done when you are emotionally ready as it requires the utmost honesty on your part which you cannot do when you are still feeling bitter. In order to learn how to forget about someone you love, you need to write down a list about the things not worth loving about your ex and what qualities were.

The point of this exercise is to help you understand that your ex was not perfect, the only reason he or she appeared without flaws in your eyes was that you loved them. Look at the list, if the cons outweigh the pros, then you need to accept that you deserve better.

If the pros outweigh the cons or both are evenly matched, then you need to accept that you were not compatible with your ex. The good news is with a list of pros greater than cons there is a chance to still be friends with your ex but if the reverse is the case, then you need to let them go.

7. Go out: While it is okay to stay in for the first few days of your breakup to grieve, do not let this feeling take over as it could lead to depression. Instead, go out, change your scenery, having fun will help take your mind off your ex. It is a crucial step on how to forget about someone you love.

8. Rebound: An interesting step on how to use psychology to get over someone fast is by having a rebound relationship. No this doesn’t imply that you start dating again instead the point of the rebound is simply for you to open yourself to new experiences.

Do not push potential admirers away instead welcome them into your life, it is a good distraction from thinking about your ex. Rebounds are meant to be fun, meeting new people, and going on dates without strings attached.

Please do not choose to date until you are completely healed, jumping into another relationship will hurt not only you but your new partner as well.

How to Forget Someone You Love Who Doesn’t Love You

How to Forget Someone You Love Who Doesn't Love You

How to get over someone you never had is complicated as you have little to no closure as to why they never loved you despite your feelings for them. But it is possible to forget about them, here are the best tips on how to forget someone you truly love who doesn’t love you.

9. You cannot control how they feel but only how you feel: The first step on how to forget someone you truly love who doesn’t love you is by understanding the painful truth that you cannot control anyone’s feelings but your own.

While falling in love was not your choice, staying in love is, you can either choose to hold on to someone who doesn’t love you or find the strength to let go and move on.

Now, this is easier said than done but it is doable, tell yourself today that you are worthy of more than a one-sided love, tell yourself that you are someone who deserves to be treated like a Queen or a king, repeat this as many times as you need to until the truth sinks in.

10. Remove them from the pedestal: When people fall in love they tend to put the people they love high on a pedestal, this simply means that they are blinded by their emotions to the flaws of their partners. How to forget about someone you love? Take them down from the pedestal and see them for who they truly are.

You will find out that you were in love with a version of them that only existed in your mind and you are worthy of much more than someone who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.

11. Spend time with people who love you: This is an important step on how to forget someone you truly love who doesn’t love you. The key is to surround yourself with people who love and appreciate you, this will give your self-esteem a boost.

Distance yourself from your one-sided love and spend your time enjoying life with the people you love and who love you back.

12. Find a new hobby: An easy step on how to forget someone you truly love who doesn’t love you is by finding a new hobby preferably something adrenaline related like mountain climbing, bungee jumping, and skydiving.

Choose something exciting and different from what you are used to but do not go for something extreme you cannot handle. A new exciting hobby will stop you from thinking about your one-sided love.

How to Forget Someone You Love Deeply and See Every day

How to Forget Someone You Love Deeply and See Every day

Forgetting about someone you love is hard enough without having to see them daily but sometimes circumstances force you to be in close contact with your ex. Not to worry, you can overcome this with these ways on how to forget someone you truly love deeply and see every day.

13. Knowing how to interact: The first step on how to forget someone you truly love deeply and see every day is to accept the fact that you cannot escape talking to them. Once you mentally accept this, you can slowly grow your resistance against them. The best ways to achieve this are to:

● Avoid being alone with them
● Avoid being seen together in public
● Avoid spending time with mutual friends if you suspect your ex will be there.
● Make it known that you are no longer in a relationship with them.
● Making sure that your conversations are focused on the reason for you communicating such as a joint project you are working on at school or work. If you have children then details about visitation, and if you live together, topics about the rent or bills but nothing personal.

14. Be polite, not friendly: The next step on how to forget about someone you love is by being indifferent. This simply means becoming unbothered by their actions and you can achieve this by being polite, not friendly.

Let your words and actions show that you are not interested in having a relationship but are mature enough to be polite when the occasion requires a response from you. You can do this by:

● Sitting as far away as possible from them when you are in an environment you cannot escape from.
● Not making eye contact.
● Ignoring them when you pass by each other with only a polite nod in their direction.
● Asking your boss or teacher not to assign tasks with your ex as your partner.
● Finding out their schedule, so you can avoid them at work or school.

15. Be the best you: Another great way on how to forget someone you truly love deeply and see every day is by showing off your best self. You can do this by changing your style, getting a new haircut, changing your wardrobe, hitting the gym, and smiling more often. Do the things that make you happy, show your ex every day that you are better off without them.

16. Avoid them online: It is perfectly normal to be curious about what your ex is doing but resist the urge to find out. If you cannot control yourself then avoid using social media or block your ex. This step is crucial on how to forget about someone you love as stalking them online can make you relapse to the grieving stage when you see your ex with someone else or being happy without you.

How to Forget Someone You Truly Love When it Feels Impossible

How to Forget Someone You Truly Love When it Feels Impossible

Love can sometimes run so deep that it feels as though your very breathing is controlled by that person. No matter the depth of your feelings, you can move on with these four ways on how to forget someone you truly love when it feels impossible.

17. Find the hidden rainbow: Many people have been sold by romantic movies, songs, and books that love is something magical that can withstand any storm. But the truth is far from it as love can be magical but only with the right person.

Compatibility has more to do than just having similar feelings for each other, your personalities, your likes, your routines, your lives, in general, need to be compatible plus patience, understanding, communication, and a whole lot of effort go a long way to making a relationship last.

As you can see, it takes a lot to get that magical love you see on TV, and even when you have all these qualities there is still a chance things won’t work out. So in order to learn how to forget someone you truly love when it feels impossible, you need to come to terms with the fact that love is not easy for anyone. Do not spend your time thinking about your relationship or why it ended but find the good in the situation.

18. Make new memories: The post-breakup period is quite hard as you are consumed by emotions ranging from anger, grief, disappointment, hate, and needing closure. You will be tempted during this period to constantly reach out to your ex to either vent your anger or try to reconcile.

Some people make the grave mistake of being intimate with their ex, believing that sleeping together would bring back the love they once shared. Allow me to burst your bubble, as this will only bring you more pain and no gain, all you are doing is satisfying your ex’s desires and not reconciling.

For you to get through this step on how to forget someone you truly love when it feels impossible, you need to cut off contact with your ex. Do not revisit old memories, your date sites, or hold on to their personal items, this will only serve as a means to tie you to the past. What you need to do is make new happy memories to overwrite the old ones in your mind and heart

19. Fake it until it is real: The phrase “fake it until you make it” also applies in relationships. Convincing yourself that you are doing fine without your ex and acting as though you have moved on can help with your healing process.

The key to achieving this is by simply believing it to be true. Do not dwell on thoughts about your ex instead tell yourself daily that there is so much more to do now that the relationship is over. You should focus more on yourself and spend your time making yourself happy, this is one of the best ways on how to forget about someone you love.

20. Forgive, forget, and start afresh: This is the final step on how to forget someone you truly love when it feels impossible. This step requires you to deal with your negative emotions towards your ex by venting in healthy ways such as:

● Writing down your feelings in a diary or journal.
● Talking to friends, family, or even a therapist.
● Getting rid of his or her things in your possession. Smashing or burning them can help relieve your anger.

After venting, your thoughts will become clearer and you can come to accept that the relationship is over. Once you make this realization the next step is to forgive yourself, do not blame yourself for the relationship not working out neither should you blame your ex, forgive him for whatever pain he has caused you.

No one is at fault for your relationship turning out the way it did neither were you wrong to love your ex the way you did. Accept that you were simply incompatible and the breakup is for the best as the future has much more to offer you. Forgiveness brings about inner peace which helps you heal and you can remember your ex without pain, for when there is no more pain you have truly moved on.

Moving on from someone you love can be as painful as the breakup itself but it is something you need to do as your happiness matters. These 20 steps on how to forget about someone you love will set you on the right track but remember that everyone heals differently, so take all the time you need. If you found this guide helpful do share it with your friends and also leave a comment.

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