how to make your partner love you more

How to Make Your Partner Love You More: 30 Easy Steps (2022)

Change is a constant factor in our lives, it affects every part of your world including your relationship. Over time you get comfortable with your partner, your personalities, and your routines, soon the excitement goes out the window, and your relationship becomes stale. This is by no means anyone’s fault but that should not stop you from finding ways to spice things up, you feel the same way which is why you are interested in learning how to make your partner love you more.

Wanting to learn how to make your partner love you more does not make you an attention seeker, instead, it shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to keep your relationship exciting, it shows how much you truly care for your partner. So without further delay here are the 30 proven tips on how to make your partner love you more.

How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More You Over Text

How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More You Over Text

Whether you are the shy type or not, texting is a simple yet effective way to get your boyfriend thinking about you. Here are the best tips on how to make your partner love you more you more over text.

1. The sweet text: Just as you love being appreciated, men love it more. Send him a sweet, appreciative text emphasizing how much you love him and how much you appreciate the things he does for you. Here are some examples,

● I am grateful to have a boyfriend as amazing as you are. I fall in love with you more each day.

● Everyone around me keeps saying I am glowing. If only they knew it was from being loved by an angel like you.

2. The funny text: Everyone loves a good laugh and men love a woman with a sense of humor. Send your boyfriend a joke or a funny meme but do not do this every day.

3. Feel good text: Men love compliments, letting your partner know you find him attractive is an easy way to make your boyfriend love you more and think about you. Here are some examples,

● I think I am going to start wearing shades when I am around you cause you are so handsome it is blinding.

● I am tempted to delete your Instagram account, there are way too many people getting to view your hot pictures, I do not need any more competitors.

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4. The lovey-dovey text: Want to how to make your partner love you more over text? Send him a subtle lovey-dovey text tonight. Here are some examples,

● I love rainy days, I get to spend all day in my bed fantasizing – fill in the gap 🙂

● Just thinking about you makes my heart skip a beat, I wonder if you can make it beat faster.

● I had a dream about us last night 🙂

5. The surprise text: Send a random, upbeat text about your day or something from your past. Keeping your boyfriend guessing will make him interested in your life. Here is an example,

● So I heard my favorite song from when I was ten on the radio and got so excited I started dancing on the bus, now the passengers are staring at me like a Rock star. How is your day going?

How to Get Your Boyfriend to Chase You and Appreciate You More

How to Get Your Boyfriend to Chase You and Appreciate You More

Are you having doubts about your partner’s affection for you? Is he no longer as attentive and affectionate as he used to be? No fear, here are 5 effective ways on how to get your boyfriend to chase you and appreciate you more.

6. Put yourself first: Before you run away, let me explain. Putting yourself first does not imply you ignore your boyfriend’s needs for yourself, no it simply means you pay more attention to yourself and your needs. If you smother your boyfriend with constant affection and attention in fear of him losing interest, you will only end up making him feel uncomfortable.

Focus on yourself more, join the gym, get a new hobby, reinvent your fashion style, do the things that make you look more appealing not only on the outside but as a person. This method is an easy psychological trick that will get your boyfriend thinking about you.

7. Be sweet then unavailable: Another psychological trick on how to get your boyfriend to chase you and appreciate you more is to be sweet then unavailable. This means that you shower your boyfriend with attention for a few days then go off the grid, show him that you have a life without him. This method will not only make him miss you but preoccupied with your thoughts in his mind.

8. Jealousy is unattractive: A fast way to turn a man off is by acting jealous. You need to be confident about your worth and your place in your boyfriend’s heart, so as to avoid the drama attached to jealousy. If the situation that causes you to be jealous is serious then do not act out in public but share your concerns with your partner in private.

9. Share his passion: How to make your partner love you more? Easy, become his biggest supporter by genuinely being interested in the things he loves. Show your support for his passion, ask him about work, buy him tickets to the basketball game of his favorite team, you do not have to go overboard just show him you care.

10. Surprise him: Break the usual routine, surprise your boyfriend, it is an easy way to bring excitement back into your love life. Make him breakfast in bed, send him a surprise package, plan a date at a different restaurant. Surprises are an easy way on how to get your boyfriend to chase you and appreciate you more.

10 Tips to Impress Your Boyfriend And Keep Your Dating Life Spicy

10 Tips to Impress Your Boyfriend And Keep Your Dating Life Spicy

Are you tired of the lack of excitement in your relationship, do you want your boyfriend to pay more attention to you, or are you simply looking for ways to spice up your private time with your partner? Then look no further, here are 10 tips to impress your boyfriend and keep your dating life spicy.

11. Remind him that you are a Queen: If you can easily get access to something all the time, you would undoubtedly get bored of it eventually, the same thing applies to you. The first of the 10 tips to impress your boyfriend and keep your dating life spicy is by not becoming the type of girlfriend who can’t have a good time without her boyfriend by her side, that is why you have friends.

Do not spend every minute of the day checking up on your man or filling him in about your activities, let him see that you are independent and can survive with or without him. Every man wants a woman who is confident in herself and no man will disrespect or take for granted a woman who knows her worth.

12. Show off your natural self: Never forget that makeup simply highlights the beauty you naturally possess. Do not get comfortable using makeup around your partner, show off your natural self, let him see that you are confident in your looks, and not afraid to show it. This is by far the easiest of the 10 tips to impress your boyfriend and keep your dating life spicy.

13. Be mysterious: Do not always be in a rush to call, text, or plan a date with your boyfriend. Be subtle in your approach, do not tell him every detail of your life, keep your responses short and direct, leave him guessing, and curious about what is happening with you. This will make him be the one calling regularly and not the other way around.

14. Remind him you are a catch: Some women in relationships tend to make themselves look unattractive or closed off to avoid the attention of other men. While the thought behind this is sweet, the results are not. Making yourself less than you are is not only bad for your self-esteem but it will also affect the excitement between your partner and you in the long run.

Instead of toning down your looks, spice it up, walk, talk, and dress like the Queen you are. Be friendly with the men who approach you, this is not to make your boyfriend jealous but to remind him that you are someone who is desirable, this is an easy way to make your boyfriend love you more.

Do not mistake this as a means for you to make yourself unnecessarily available to other men but as a means to make your boyfriend see your importance. What man wouldn’t feel proud when other guys approach his woman, only to be turned down when she says she is with him.

15. Be elegant with stylish: How to make your partner love you more and keeping your dating life spicy does not always involve action in the bedroom, casual touches can go a long way in helping you keep your boyfriend’s attention focused solely on you.

How do you achieve this? When walking with your boyfriend, casually place your hand on his wait and stroke him lightly before entwining your arms or fingers together or you can place your hand inside his back or front pocket for a few seconds. These simple gestures will definitely get his attention and when he looks at you, do not forget to throw him a dazzling smile or a wink.

16. Make him proud: One of the simplest ways on how to make your partner love you more and impress him is by being the type of woman he can be proud of. Your attitude will always leave an impression on people, if you are a pleasant person you will draw people to you and if you are not, people will not be around you. If you are the type of woman your man is proud of, he would not only want to spend more time with you but he will also want you to spend time with the people who are important to him such as his friends and family.

17. Be understanding: While it hurts when your boyfriend cancels date plans, seems too busy, or he does not reach out to you regularly, do not make things harder by becoming cold, needy, or difficult. Please understand that this does not mean it is okay to be taken for granted, if your boyfriend has genuine reasons for not being available like issues at work, family emergencies, and so on, it is important that you be patient with him and give him your support. But if he is making flimsy excuses and is in no way apologetic for his actions then that is a different story.

18. Change your look: A dramatic style change can make all the difference you need to get the excitement back in your relationship. Change your hair, add the extra spark, and dye it in bold colors or get a lovely haircut. If you usually wear trousers around your man, surprise him with a dress, do something different than what he is used to but do not go overboard or beyond what you are comfortable with.

19. Make eating-in a part of your routine: Going out to fancy restaurants is nice but nothing is more romantic than a home-cooked meal. An easy way to impress your boyfriend is by cooking for him, invite him over for dinner, or plan a picnic or even a simple breakfast in bed. These small gestures will leave a lasting impression on your boyfriend and will undoubtedly make him want more.

20. Make his head swell: The last but not the least of the 10 tips to impress your boyfriend and keep your dating life spicy is making your boyfriend’s head swell with compliments. Do not wait for a special occasion to be sweet but randomly compliment your man. Tell him how good he looks in that shirt, compliment his haircut, talk about how you love the sound of his voice, or the way his smile makes your day.

Compliment him when he does well at work or when he talks about his plans, tell him how amazing he is. Compliment him as often as you can without it coming off as forced or annoying. This is a great way to make your boyfriend love you more.

How to Make Your Partner Love You More in a Long Distance Relationship

How to Make Your Partner Love You More in a Long Distance Relationship

Relationships are not easy but adding distance just makes it even harder but this does not mean that it is impossible to have a successful long-distance relationship. Want to learn the ways on how to make your partner love you more in a long distance relationship? Then check out these simple methods to get your man thinking about you.

21. Classy communication: When you are in a long-distance relationship it is easy to think that you need to communicate with your partner every second of the day to keep them interested but this will only make you seem overbearing. Instead, check-in regularly or plan schedules for when you can call. Keeping your contact frequent but not excessive will easily create the atmosphere for your boyfriend to miss you and love you for the time shared.

22. Use your social media to your advantage: How to make your partner love you more in a long distance relationship? Use social media to your advantage. Post pictures of you having a good time with your friends preferably with one or two males standing next to you in the pic, this will get your boyfriend feeling anxious about who those guys are.

Also do not frequently update your life on social media but keep your posts once in a while, this makes your boyfriend curious as to what is going on with you and soon enough he will be telling you how much he misses you and loves you.

23. Send him pictures: An easy way to spice up your long-distance relationship is by sending your boyfriend random pictures once in a while. You can send him a gorgeous picture of yourself. This will make him not only think about you but miss you a lot.

24. Make video calls: Making video calls a part of your regular communication routine with your boyfriend will keep things interesting. Find schedules that work for you both, either at night or during the day. Make sure you look your best and it doesn’t hurt to have conversation topics ready to go.

25. Send him a gift: Just as you would love to receive a thoughtful package from your boyfriend, he also wishes for one from you. Send him a gift, order dinner, and have it delivered to his place, bake him cookies, buy his favorite cologne, no matter how little the gesture, it counts.

How to Get Your Boyfriend’s Attention and Make Him Want You More

How to Get Your Boyfriend's Attention and Make Him Want You More

Your boyfriend’s not spending as much time as you need with him or he seems dispassionate lately, then try these amazing ways on how to get your boyfriend’s attention and make him want you more.

26. Make him the topic: Everyone loves to share but not everyone has the patience to listen. Do not be the girl who talks only about herself, make your boyfriend the topic of discussion. Being attentive and interested in what he has to say is an easy way to get your boyfriend’s attention and make him want you more.

27. Leave little Reminders: Another easy way on how to get your boyfriend’s attention and make him want you more is by leaving behind things that remind him of you. You can do this by taking pictures on his phone without his knowledge, leaving behind the lipstick he loves you wearing in his car, dropping a piece of clothing at his house, and so on.

Make sure what you are leaving behind is something that will bring about good memories and not something you wore when you guys had a huge misunderstanding.

28. Get along with his friends: You can not win over your boyfriend without winning over his friends. Getting along with his friends is a sure way to get your boyfriend’s attention, he will invite you to hang out with them rather than not meet up with you so he can be with his boys.

29. Give him a deep in thought gesture: How to make your partner love you more? Preoccupied him until he thinks about nothing but you. How do you achieve this? It is quite simple.

● In a subtle way as though you are holding him unconsciously. When you are sitting next to him, place your hand on his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze, make your embraces last longer, and give him a quick “I am all yours gaze” when he least expects it.

● Hold eye contact when he speaks to you, nibble on your lower lips or lick your lips frequently.

● Mirror his actions by copying his simple gestures such as when he places his hand on the table or runs a hand through his hair.

● Smile a lot when you are together, gently brush your fingers over his ears, rest your head on his shoulder, and hold his hands as much as you can.

30. Send him cute text messages: A cute text message is one the simplest yet effective ways on how to make your boyfriend love you more. Here are a few examples of texts that will get your boyfriend’s attention and make him want you more.

● I should spend less time with you, all I could think about today were your beautiful eyes and how much I missed staring at you.

● I had a long day! With how strong you’re you must be very good at lifting me on your shoulders.

● I heard if you closed your eyes, and made a wish, it would come true. Guess who I wished was right next to me?

I hope you found this article useful and are now equipped with all you need to know about how to make your partner love you more. Please share this article with your friends and your thoughts in the comment section. I wish you success on your journey in making your boyfriend love you more.

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