Long-Distance Relationship Statistics: Effects and Consequences in 2023

Long-Distance Relationship Statistics: Effects and Consequences in 2023

Long-distance relationships are difficult. That does not mean it is impossible though. If you have a successful long-distance relationship, you know the significance of constant communication. Being in a long-distance relationship requires effort and recognizing your relationship will require more effort than if you were with your partner every day. 74% of couples have had…

2022 Matching Bracelets for Boyfriend and Girlfriend

2022 Matching Bracelets for Boyfriend and Girlfriend

No matter what you do though, she’ll always be there for you, she will always adore you, and most importantly, she will never depart from this earth without you. Make your relationship more meaningful by giving her a matching bracelet for her birthday. When you are in a couple, getting matching bracelets for boyfriend and…

Fantastic Bridal Tea Party Ideas for Every Bridal Event

Fantastic Bridal Tea Party Ideas for Every Bridal Event

Tea party, bridal tea party, bridal shower whatever. They all mean adorable tea-themed parties. You can have a few or dozens of guests or hundreds. You can have the decorations or serve just-drinks. Here are some bridal tea party ideas to get you on your way to the perfect party. Perhaps you’re getting married and…

Relationship Abuse Statistics: Alarming Facts Nobody Wants to Talk About

Relationship Abuse Statistics: Alarming Facts Nobody Wants to Talk About

Relationship violence is a category of personal violence that includes any behaviors within a relationship that inflicts harm or threatens the health, safety, and well-being of an individual. Domestic violence is otherwise known as physical violence that occurs between adults who are intimate partners (married, formerly married, dating, or cohabiting) and family members. Spousal abuse…