college relationship statistics

College Relationship Statistics: [35 Facts for Every Collegiate]

If you’re about to go to college, and as a recent graduate, chances are you have found yourself wondering about your (or someone else’s) relationship in college. Well, wonder no more, according to our college relationship statistics. 

Below, we’ll be taking a look at some of the very interesting ways relationships do change in college, and the amount of time young adults spend with their romantic partners.

Did you know that only 23% of college students have successful 4-year relationships? Think about that, less than a quarter of the kids who choose to spend their formative years in college are happy and content with the person they’re spending it with.

Yet, you’re still sitting here trying to decide who that lucky person is going to be. What I like to do is ask myself what I can do to avoid making the mistake so many others are doomed to repeat. What should I know before choosing a partner? Should come to your mind after seeing these college relationship statistics.

If you want to know more about the sexual relationship of college students and their attitudes towards relationships, then read on about these college relationship statistics.

Teenage Relationship Statistics

(Earth Web)

Let’s start at the beginning, where our love lives first begin to grow by taking a look at some teenage in college relationship statistics. As spelled out, the teenage relationship statistics apply to teenage students who also find themselves in college early enough.

1. 35% of Teens Between the Ages 13 and 17 Have Experience with Dating


A total of 60% of teenagers have had a serious boyfriend or girlfriend at some point in their lives, while 16% were not currently actively dating someone but had dated previously.

2. 14% of Couples Met During High School


Only a small percentage of people who marry their high school sweethearts go on to college.

Based on these statistics, we can safely infer that those who marry the person they dated in high school are less competitive with others when it comes to landing jobs.

3. 26% of Teens Met Their Romantic Ones Offline


While 57 percent of teenagers say they form friendships online, only 8 percent met their romantic partners through the Internet. For those that did meet with a significant other on social media sites like Facebook or Meetup, it was more likely to be platonic rather than romantic.

4. 55% of Teens Between 13 and 17 Have Flirted with Someone


This study found that 50% of teens had used social media to flirt with someone, but 47% said they did so by interacting directly with the person through a comment or “like.”

General College Relationship Statistics

College is a time for experimenting and trying new things, but many college guys are looking for serious relationships.

Let’s try to further look at some other surprising general college relationship statistics.

5. 63% of College Guys Want Something Serious

(Earth Web)

Although it might not be the most common vibe on college campuses, 63% percent of guys that are in college want something a little more traditional when it comes to relationships rather than casual sex.

Almost all women in college (83%) will have a short-term relationship, despite the risk of being stigmatized for doing so.

It has been suggested that students avoid romantic relationships because they want to devote their time and energy to academic pursuits.

6. 75% of College Students Have Been in Long-Distance Relationships

(Earth Web)

A whopping 66% of people in the study mentioned that lack of physical intimacy was the most difficult aspect of long-distance relationships.

While 31% of long-distance college students cited a lack of intimacy as their relationship’s most challenging aspect, 53.9% said they were ultimately successful in sustaining these relationships.

7. 24% of College Seniors Are Virgins

(Earth Web)

One in four people says they have never had sex before college. 12% of women and 13% of men between the ages of 20 and 24 say that they are virgins.

Millennial Relationship Statistics

No matter how many times millennials change the world, there will always be statistics about them.

So, how have millennial relationships changed recently? Let’s take a look at this with some millennial relationship statistics a part of college relationship statistics.

8. 29% of Millennials Aren’t Ready Financially for Marriage

(Stand Desk)

When it comes to marriage, millennials have a more pragmatic approach than previous generations.

Statistics show that millennials are three times more likely to remain unmarried than members of the “silent generation” (people born between 1925 and 1942).

26% of millennials have delayed marriage because they haven’t found the right person, and 26% believe that they are too young to get married.

9. 72% of Millennials Believe in Staying Single until Meeting the Very One Person

(Stand Desk)

Because Tinder is a dating app, it has collected data on relationships. This information shows that 72% of millennials plan to stay single until they find their soul mate.

One problem with this strategy is that many millennials report feeling lonely.

10. 40% of Millennials Aren’t Going to Settle for Anyone Just to Be in A Relationship

(Stand Desk)

Although there are plenty of older people who have found their soul mates, millennials are somewhat pickier than previous generations.

Millennials are less likely than previous generations to go on casual dates unless they expect a relationship to last.

They would rather be by themselves than settle for a relationship with someone who does not fulfill them.

According to statistics, millennials are marrying at a later age, but the divorce rate is going down.

Fifty percent of millennials are scared of long-term relationships, and the biggest reason for this is that they value independence more than commitment.

11. 70% of Millennials Want to Tie the Knot

(Stand Desk)

Even though millennials often put marriage and parenthood on hold until their career is established, approximately 70 percent of them do want to get married at some point—and 74 percent of them want children.

People in their 20s today think differently about relationships than generations did before. When they get into a relationship, it is often to pursue long-term goals like work and health.

This means that they weigh up both the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship.

Long-Distance Relationship Statistics

In the past, people who lived apart from their romantic partners would send letters to those partners and wait for weeks before receiving a response. These days, a long-distance relationship is pretty different, video calls and messaging apps make it easier.

However, many people continue to struggle in long-distance relationships; so let’s take a look at some long-distance relationship statistics, as part of the compendium of these college relationship statistics.

12. 60% of Long-Distance Relationships Last the Long Distance

(Study Finds)

The great news is that 60% of couples who do long distance in their relationship stay together for the long term.

What does it mean to be in a long-distance relationship? A long-distance relationship is one in which the individuals involved live more than 132 miles apart.

Long-distance relationships are a big commitment and can be challenging, but as you can see from this statistic, many people find them rewarding.

13. Long-Distance Couples Exchange About 343 Texts Per Week on Average

(Study Finds)

Long-distance relationships succeed when partners communicate well.

The more you can communicate with your partner when you live apart, the closer and more intimate you will feel.

It’s no wonder, then, that long-distance couples spend an average of 343 text messages to each other every week.

14. 81% Of People in Long-Distance Relationships Feel Closer to Their Partners After Spending Time Apart

(Psychology Today)

In long-distance relationships, when the partners do finally see each other it tends to be a highly intimate experience.

And 5% of people say that being apart from their significant other makes them feel closer. Interestingly, 70% report talking to their partner more when they’re not around.

15. Almost 14 Million Americans are in Long-Distance Relationships

(Study Finds)

The authors point out that 14 million American couples live in long-distance relationships, and more than 4 million of these couples are not married.

There are many reasons for a long-distance relationship, including college, new job opportunities, and military service.

16. Fewer Than Half of All Long-Distance Relationships Survive the Test of Time

(Psychology Today)

Statistically, couples who plan for the future tend to have successful long-distance relationships.

Many couples in long-distance relationships believe that separation can only work for approximately 14 months, while others decide to end their relationship after five months or less.

Often, this occurs because one partner (or both) fears that their significant other is unfaithful.

17. Long-Distance Couples See Each Other Once a Month on Average

(Study Finds)

According to one study, some long-distance couples see each other only once every two months.

Long-distance couples tend to talk at least once every three days, and many still write letters—typically three times a month.

Interracial Relationship Statistics

Interracial relationships have become more common in recent years, but we still don’t know much about them.

Here are some interracial relationship statistics revealing more about college relationship statistics.

18. More Than 11 Million Americans Are Married to Someone of Different Ethnicity


In the 2010 US census, 10% of Americans reported that they were married to someone of a different race or ethnicity. This was legal in America as early as 1967.

19. More Than 4 Out of Every 10 Asian Newlyweds are Now Married to Someone of a Different Race


This statistic applies to both Asian newlyweds and Hispanic ones; 39% of Hispanics born in the USA are in an interracial marriage.

20. In 2015, 18% of Africans Married a Person From Another Race


In 1980, only 5% of Africans were married to somebody from a different ethnicity or race. However, this percentage has increased in recent years.

21. Thirty-Nine Percent of Americans are in Favor of Interracial Marriages


Of course, that number could be much higher. But it has come a long way since the middle of the 20th century—and indeed, it increased by 15% just over seven years ago.

22. A Survey Found That 56% of Millennials Believe that Television Shows Should Include More Interracial Couples


43% of women believe that television shows should feature more interracial couples, and 39% said the same about onscreen relationships.

23. Of the Marriages that Take Place in Honolulu, 43% are Interracial


What’s interesting about interracial marriage in America is that, among cities with large populations; of 250,000- Honolulu has the highest rate of interracial marriages (43%), followed closely by Las Vegas (31%).

Santa Barbara, California is the third most likely place for a couple to be of different races to marry each other.

Age Gap Relationships Statistics

People of all ages as the college relationship statistics continue to reveal can enjoy fulfilling relationships, as long as everyone respects and loves one another.

Let’s take a look at some age relationship statistics that show how age affects different parts of the relationship.

24. Eight Percent Of Married Straight Couples Have a Ten-Year Age Gap Between Them

(The Conversation)

In westernized countries, older men are more likely to date younger women than vice versa.

It is interesting that the age gap in Eastern countries is larger, and occurs more often.

25. One-Quarter of Male Same-Sex Couples Have a Significant Age Difference

(The Conversation)

According to a recent study, gay couples are more likely than heterosexual couples to have an age gap between them.

26. Couples In Which The Man Is 20 Years Older Than His Partner Are 95% More Likely To Experience Problems And Get Divorced

(The Conversation)

According to a study of roughly 3000 people, couples with a five-year age gap have an 18% greater chance of divorce than couples without such gaps. Couples with 10-year gaps are 39% more likely to split up.

The above statistic makes it clear that if you have a 20-year age gap with your spouse, then divorce is almost certain.

Experts say that large age gaps can affect your values, musical preferences, cultural references, and intimate romance life.

Abusive Relationship Statistics

One unfortunate consequence of being too swayed by looks is that many people fail to recognize the warning signs of an abusive relationship, despite its initial attractiveness.

The following abusive relationship statistics show that all types of relationships, including teen ones, are potential sites for abuse.

Because online dating is so fraught with danger, you need to meet the person you’re interested in offline and check them out online before agreeing to go on a date. So, be aware of these college relationship statistics.

27. About 1 In 5 People Cheat On Their Partner At Some Point During A Relationship

(IF Studies)

It might come as no surprise that 20% of men and 13% of women have cheated on their partners.

Although this doesn’t seem like a big percentage, with one in five men cheating and just over 1 in 10 women doing so as well, there’s a good chance that at some point you’ve either cheated or been cheated on.

The percentage of people who cheat also depends on the age gap, because younger individuals are more likely to commit adultery than older ones.

28. The Most Common Cheating Behaviors Occur Online

(IF Studies)

The most common type of cheating occurs online these days and includes falling in love with someone on the Internet, telling them personal details about yourself, and messaging an ex.

29. 94 Percent Of Women Between The Ages Of 16 And 19 Have Had At Least One Experience With Relationship Violence

(The Hotline)

Violent behavior in women most often starts between the ages of 12 and 18. According to statistics, 70% of these young women are 20-24 years old.

30. One and a Half Million American Teenagers Experience Some Form Of Abuse In Their Romantic Relationships

(The Hotline)

This statistic reveals that 33 percent of Americans who are in high school have been abused by their girlfriend or boyfriend.

31. Suicide is The Second Leading Cause Of Death Among Young People In The United States

(The Hotline)

The high prevalence of suicide means that many people are affected by it and feel uncomfortable talking about their personal experiences. This reticence adds another layer to an already complex issue.

Tinder Relationship Statistics

It’s no secret that online dating has become a part of our lives, so let’s take a look at some tinder relationship statistics.

This would also blend in with the survey on college relationship statistics.

32. Tinder Has Gained Popularity Among American Singles

(USA Today)

Tinder is used by 7.86 million American people, as shown by statistics. This is alarming and revealing

33. 45% of Tinder Users Use The App As A Tool For Building Their Self-Esteem

(USA Today)

You may find it easy to get compliments online, especially from strangers. This can boost your self-esteem, or at least make you feel good at the moment.

FAQ on College Relationship Statistics

What percentage of college couples stay together?

Most college couples don’t last. According to a study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Michigan, only about 20 percent of college relationships make it past graduation day.

What percentage of college students are in relationships?

More than half; 54 percent of college students are currently in a relationship, according to a survey.

That’s down from 65 percent in 2011, but still fairly high for young people who aren’t even old enough to buy alcohol yet (and most colleges require dorm residents to be at least 21).

How long does the average college relationship last?

The average college relationship lasts 2 years and 9 months, according to a survey by the American Psychological Association.

How old are college students when they first marry?

The average age at which college students first marry is 27 (U.S. Census Bureau).

Final Thought

College relationships can be the start of the best times in life and the very foundation on which many people base their future relationships. I

f you want to know if you or someone you know will graduate with a long-term committed relationship, this article on college relationship statistics can help you figure it all out.


Earth Web

Brandon Gaille

Pew Research

Brandon Gaille

Institute for Family Studies

Study Finds

USA Today

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The Conversation


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Psychology Today

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