Long-Distance Relationship Statistics: Effects and Consequences in 2023
Long-distance relationships are difficult. That does not mean it is impossible though. If you have a successful long-distance relationship, you know the significance of constant communication.
Being in a long-distance relationship requires effort and recognizing your relationship will require more effort than if you were with your partner every day.
74% of couples have had their long-distance relationship tested. You might think that these long-distance relationship statistics are high but it isn’t when you look at how many couples are entering into long-distance relationships each year.
In fact, there are even websites that cater specifically to people looking for love with someone who lives hundreds or even thousands of miles away from them. That’s how much our long-distance relationship statistics reveal.
Long Distance Relationship Statistics and Facts

(Inspiring Tips)
There are many ways to make long-distance relationships work and each piece of advice may help some couples succeed.
But no amount of words can soothe the wounds that being away from your partner can bring. So what should you do about it?
The answer can be found in the long-distance relationship statistics. Looking at real couples’ experiences will teach you from experts, and help you learn more realistically than just speculation.
1. When you are physically apart from someone, it can make communicating with them easier
In a long-distance relationship, couples often feel more comfortable sharing intimacies and personal details because there is less of a risk that the other person will see them or hear about them via gossip.
You feel more comfortable and at ease with your partner. On the other hand, some people find it easier to express their feelings when they are far away from the person with whom they’re most intimate.
2. Women tend to adjust more easily than men do when they move from one location or culture to another
In a 1994 study, women in long-distance relationships experienced less distress during breakups than men.
They are more upset after a breakup regardless of whether they were the ones who broke off the relationship.
Women are more in touch with their emotions and have a clearer understanding of how they feel. Men, on the other hand sometimes have trouble recognizing how they truly feel.
3. You are as happy (or unhappy) as the people you surround yourself with
According to a 2014 study, being in a long-distance relationship is not an obstacle to one’s happiness. It turns out that people who live together with their loved ones are no happier than those who have partners far away from them.
There are advantages to having only minimal contact with someone who is far away.
4. It is not ideal to have an unrealistically high opinion of your partner
When you are away from your partner, you tend to remember only the good things about him.
Since you are not together, it is easier to picture your loved one as a perfect individual. So when he starts doing practical things around the house that were previously neglected, like cleaning his room and washing clothes, you view these changes for what they are: improvements.
5. It is expensive
It is costly for a couple to maintain their relationship when one partner is away from home. Apart from giving time and attention, it takes money to travel back and forth or stay apart.
Long-distance relationships can be expensive. You’ll have higher phone bills, and more electric bills, and may need to pay for a package courier if you send gifts.
6. You believe your relationship will last
A study done by psychologists at the University of Denver indicates that people in long-distance relationships tend to think their relationship is more permanent than those who are together.
When people are apart, they tend to plan for the future. This gives them hope that their relationship will last.
Participants in the study reported that more than half of their long-distance relationships eventually ended, but this doesn’t mean your relationship will fail.
7. Some people prefer to keep their relationships at a distance
Maguire’s 2007 study found that some people who engage in long-distance relationships are unhappy with them, though they go into the relationship knowing it will be temporary.
They were also uncertain about their futures, but they did not care much about that. Others enjoyed the freedom of being far from their partners, and it showed just how some people liked to be in a long-distance relationship rather than be close to theirs.
8. You become happier as time goes by
The same study conducted by Katherine Maguire shows that long-distance partners are more satisfied and experience less stress when they are confident that being away from each other is just temporary.
Stability and certainty in a relationship bring happiness and confidence to couples. The thought that you will be reunited eventually makes the distance bearable, and give them hope and peace of mind.
9. 75% of couples have experienced being in a long-distance relationship
According to a recent study, 75 percent of American college students report having long-distance relationships (or LDRs). At some point in their lives, most people will experience living apart from someone important, whether because of job transfers or studies abroad.
Long-distance relationships are on the rise because of technology, which helps couples stay connected even when they’re geographically apart.
10. Couples often break up when they move back in together.
A 2006 study found that long-distance relationships come to an end within three months of being together. Most of them break up because the couple’s goals and visions change as a result, an experience common in most normal relationship dynamics anyway.
As a couple, you are both responsible for making an effort and doing your part every day.
Remember, these facts and statistics should not intimidate you, because they will serve as a guide in overcoming the challenges of being in a long-distance relationship.
However, you should be aware that your story is unique. Not every rule in books or movies necessarily applies to every love story.
Long-distance Relationship Statistics for LDR Couples

(Friendship Lamps)
Long-distance relationship statistics for LDR couples start right from this section. You can check them out carefully and get all the information you need.
1. You’re in good company
Approximately 2% of the US population is currently in a long-distance relationship, but that figure only counts married couples. That’s more than 3 million people, or about 7.5 million if you count unmarried LDRs as well.
That’s not counting the millions of unmarried people in long-distance relationships. Overall, 14 million couples (28 million people) are in a long-distance relationship, which is 4% of the nation, and effectively makes it a significant minority group.
And the number is likely to be even higher now because of the coronavirus situation and lack of travel freedom.
2. It’s a ‘3 out of 4’ kind of thing
Around 75% of college students surveyed said that they had experienced a long-distance relationship at some point during their schooling. This has been attributed to the ‘high school sweetheart’ effect, that is students who met and fell in love before college are more likely to have that relationship continue
However, only 2% of high school romances become long-term relationships or marriages.
3. There is no significant difference in the rate of long-term success between geographically close relationships (GCRs) and those that take place over a distance
In a study done at Central Michigan University, the researchers found that long-distance couples had results similar to those of other types of couples during the crucial first three months.
4. Women are better at working out LDRs
Research has shown that women are more flexible and resilient than men. As a result, they can handle long-distance relationships better.
5. Two-thirds of long-distance couples who reunite end up staying together
That is good news for long-distance lovers, ensuring that they will stay together when they do see each other.
6. Long-distance relationships can make couples stronger
One expert writes: “The research suggests that long-distance relationships can be just as satisfying, committed and trustworthy as geographically close ones.”
7. One in ten U.S. marriages is between people who met while at least one of them was living elsewhere, such as abroad in the armed forces or on an extended vacation
Because there are over two million marriages every year, it’s not surprising that the number of long-distance relationships is so large. Couple this with other LDR statistics and you’ve got yourself a winner.
Success Rate of Long-Distance Relationships
Long-distance relationship statistics can be an interesting source of information about these relationships. While many people may bristle at the idea of being in a long-distance relationship, the reality is that they do happen, and often end in breakups.
Right or wrong? Let’s explore the numbers that justify the success rate of long-distance relationships.
1. Despite The Odds, Nearly Six In 10 Long-Distance Relationships Succeed
(Study Finds)
Of the 1,000 American adults surveyed about long-distance relationships, 58 percent report that they were successful at dating from afar.
In a study commissioned by interactive romantic model toy company KIIROO, researchers found that the average “long-distance” relationship requires one to live at least 132 miles away from his or her significant other.
Although most partners are optimistic at the outset of a long-distance relationship, after four months their optimism can wear off as they begin to feel lonely. However, by eight months into the distant pairing, and sometimes even earlier, the two individuals will have adjusted quite well to their new lifestyle.
Approximately 50% of the respondents in this study had met their partners online, and 27% were not close to them before the meeting.
2. What Can Be Considered a Long-Distance Relationship?
According to a survey, if two people live at least 132 miles apart, their relationship can be defined as long distance. The first three months are known as the most optimistic stage in these relationships.
The study found that the fourth month marks a turning point in long-distance relationships: difficulties tend to peak during this period, but if you can get past it and make it to eight months together, the magic number for most couples who want their LDRs (long-distance relationships) to last, you’re usually good.
3. Prevalence and Success Rate of Long-Distance Relationship
Statistics show that around 14 million couples considered themselves to be in a long-distance relationship during the past year.
Of the 14 million couples in America, about 4.5 million are not married; 75% of engaged couples have spent time apart during their relationship.
In a recent study, researchers concluded that 60% of long-distance relationships succeed.
KIIROO’s new survey revealed that only 60% of long-distance couples can keep the spark alive.
4. Long-Distance Relationships Have a 58% Success Rate
(SWNS digital)
According to new research, the success rate of a long-distance relationship is 58 percent.
A new study of 1,000 Americans who have been in long-distance relationships found that whether or not a couple makes it through this phase is largely determined by chance.
In a new survey by KIIROO, six in ten respondents said their relationship survived living far apart from one another. It also found that a significant number of long-distance relationships start as online relationships.
Half of those surveyed said they met their partner online, but 27 percent had never lived close to each other in the first place.
The survey respondents indicated that living at least 132 miles away from each other qualifies as a long-distance relationship.
The first few months of a long-distance relationship are full of optimism, but one study found that the four-month mark is when things start to get tough.
But the data shows that if you can make it through eight months of a long-distance relationship, your chances for success are much better.
Because physical distance separates you from your partner, long-distance relationships generally require more frequent communication than local ones.
The survey found that the average long-distance couple sent 343 text messages every week and spent eight hours a week talking on the phone or video chatting. However, texting or calling doesn’t solve all issues between couples who live apart from each other.
In the survey, lack of physical intimacy was still the biggest challenge of endeavoring in long-distance travel (66 percent), with 31 percent saying they missed it most.
“As people become increasingly disconnected in the real world and rely more on technology to communicate, KIIROO has developed innovative new ways for families and friends separated by distance or disability to talk with one another,” said Toon Timmermans, CEO of KIIROO.
In this study, we see that technology is being used to forge new relationships and maintain the ones we already have. In long-distance relationships attempts to help ease romance tensions may arise due to distance feel closer and loved, allowing you to stay intimate despite physical separation.”
Although long-distance relationships are often challenging, the results of this study showed that they may have some unexpected advantages too.
Most people said that living apart from their partners made them feel closer to them.
More than half of those who have been in long-distance relationships say that having some time apart actually made them feel closer to their partner, while over seven out of ten people said that they talked more often throughout this period.
Eighty-one percent of respondents stated that, in addition to being more intimate than usual because of the special nature of a visit from afar, real-life visits were also more emotional due to the feeling that they could not be repeated.
But the survey seemed to show that long-distance relationships are on the rise because of advancements in technology, which have made them both possible and practical.
And while nothing will beat being physically close to your partner, 88 percent said technology helped them feel closer to their partner throughout their long-distance relationship.
Top 8 Challenges of a Long-Distance Relationship
(SWNS Digital)
From this long-distance relationship statistics are some top 8 challenges of a long-distance relationship.
1. Lack of physical intimacy at about 66%.
2. Worried my partner would meet someone else at about 55%.
3. Feel lonely at 50%.
4. Expensive to visit each other at 45%.
5. Growing apart at 43%.
6. Lack of communication at 40%.
7. Time difference at 33%.
8. Difference of opinion on the mode of communication (call vs. text etc.) at 24%.
FAQ on Long Distance Relationship Statistics
What percentage of relationships survive long-distance?
According to a study by the Pew Research Center, just over half of all Americans have dated someone they met online. And nearly one in 10 marriages begins with an online encounter.
This study also found that the biggest reason people break up with their long-distance partners is because of the distance.
Is long-distance healthy in a relationship?
It can be, but only if both parties are willing to make it work. If one person wants it and the other doesn’t, then it won’t work for either of them.
What is the biggest problem in long-distance relationships?
Communication: The biggest problem with long-distance relationships is communication. This is a huge issue because you can’t always be there when something goes wrong and it’s hard to communicate when you’re not with them.
How long do long-distance relationships last on average?
About one year. The average length of a long-distance relationship is about one year. It’s really common for people to get into a long-distance relationship and then break up after 6 months or so, but there are also plenty of couples who make it work for years or even decades.
Final Thought
Long-distance relationships face several challenges that are not common in normal, face-to-face relationships.
According to the results of a long-distance relationship statistics study of nearly 700 participants involved in long-distance dating, long-distance relationships can be just as successful as close-distance ones.
It is important for you to understand your relationship and to be honest about your expectations for it.
Many of the challenges faced in long-distance relationships come from the fact that both partners tend to idealize the other person.
Sometimes people who are in a long-distance relationship are unsure if their significant other has these same feelings for them. If you’re going through a long-distance relationship, here are some challenges you may face.