How To Make Someone Miss You Without Talking To Them
Do you want to learn the tricks on how to make your boyfriend love you more?
If you are going through a breakup, do you want to learn how to make him miss you and want you back?
Whatever the case may be, this article on how to make someone miss you without talking to them has all the answers you need.
So what is psychology and how can it help you on your quest? Psychology is simply the study of the human mind and habits.
It helps you not only understand a person’s behavior but also helps you predict how a person will act in certain situations.
This is why this article on How to make someone miss you without talking to them will help equip you with the necessary tools to achieve your goals.
Wanting your boyfriend or ex to miss you is nothing to be ashamed of, as it is a part of human nature to crave the attention and affection of the person you love.
Without further delay, let us jump into the 33 surefire steps on How to make someone miss you without talking to them.
16 Psychological Tricks On How To Make Someone Miss You Without Talking To Them

The first part of wow to make someone miss you without talking to them is to teach you how the male mind works.
Did you know that men are more emotionally attached to their partners than women? This means that if you know the necessary words to say and actions to take, you can have your man right where you want him.
Here are 16 psychological tricks that will make him miss you.
1. Limit communication:
Does silence make a man miss you? The answer is yes. This step simply plays on his curiosity, a man who has feelings for you even an ex will be anxious to know why you are no longer calling or texting him.
Let him be the first to contact you and when he does, do not be in a rush to respond to his messages.
When he calls, make the call short with little or no details as to what is happening in your life, also be the first to hang up.
Soon enough he will be burning with curiosity as to why you are being evasive and this will make him miss your presence in his life.
2. How to use social media to make him miss you:
Your communication with your man has been limited and you have him wondering why the sudden change. Continue this step by using your social media to your advantage.
You can achieve this by posting irregularly and your posts should be pictures of you looking amazing or pictures of you having fun with your friends preferably a male.
The purpose of these pictures is to make your boyfriend or ex remember how gorgeous you are, get you on his mind, and make him bothered about the guy in the picture.
This will stimulate him to contact you.
3. Focus on you:
This is a very important step in the 16 psychological tricks that will make him miss you and it is probably the easiest. Men appreciate women who are not only confident but passionate.
The best way to gain your man’s respect, make him realize your worth, as well as make him miss you is by focusing on your goals.
The key is to focus on becoming a better version of the woman you used to be yesterday either educationally, financially, spiritually, emotionally, or physically.
Your progress during this step will definitely get your man’s attention, respect, and ultimately make him love you more.
4. Glow up:
Another easy step on how to make someone miss you without talking to them is by changing your image. Be it your boyfriend, ex, or crush, physical attraction is a quick way to get a man’s attention.
While focusing on your goals to become an independent woman do not fall short in making yourself feel and dress like a goddess. Take care of your skin, body, and hair.
Join a gym, change your wardrobe, get a cool piercing, make comfortable changes, and do not go overboard.
5. Have a unique scent:
You have probably been unconsciously practicing this step of the 16 psychological tricks that will make him miss you.
If you have a perfume you usually use, now is the time to not change it but use it more often.
Your unique scent will leave a long-lasting impression on your man especially when you spend less time together.
When he perceives the scent of other women around him, yours will be the one he thinks about.
6. Limit his access:
Wanting to spend more time with your man is good but too much of a good thing turns it bad. To avoid coming off as overbearing or needy, limit his access to you.
Psychology shows that men enjoy the chase, so give him the opportunity to chase you, or he will slowly become too comfortable and take your presence in his life for granted.
7. Make every moment count:
He does not get to see you regularly, you are mysterious about the details of your life, your social media updates show you are having fun without him.
Does this mean he will get tired and run away? No, this will all make him want you more.
You will notice him being more supportive, protective, and often calling you to either talk or plan dates. Your job is to make every moment count since his time with you is limited.
Find interesting topics to talk about, plan exciting dates like going to an arcade or amusement park.
8. Make him jealous:
The next step on how to make someone miss you without talking to them is to make him jealous.
You can achieve this by either talking about a guy from work or a male friend or by talking about the fun you had with your friends.
The goal is to make the conversation as light and friendly as possible and not you rubbing your happiness in his face.
This will stimulate jealousy and make him want to spend more time with you.
9. Be indifferent:
This part of the 16 psychological tricks that will make him miss you can be complicated to execute correctly.
The point of being indifferent is not to ignore him when he has serious problems or needs your support but to show him that you are okay with or without him.
This step will make him cautious of his actions for the fear of losing you will set in, undoubtedly making him realize your worth.
10. Leave your signature:
This is another easy trick on how to make someone miss you without talking to them. Leave behind your signature clothing or item e.g. your t-shirt, lip gloss, or bag.
Finding an item of yours in his car or house will make him miss you.
11. Be like sugar:
Being sweet is another easy step of the 16 psychological tricks that will make him miss you. You can achieve this by sending him romantic messages out of the blue or buying him a gift.
No matter how small the gesture, it will make him think about you and once he is thinking about you, he ends up missing you.
12. Keep him hungry:
Keep your man hungry for more by sending him gorgeous selfies and lovely texts during the day or at night. Do not do this regularly as the point is to make him hungry for more.
Unlike the 16 psychological tricks that will make him miss you listed so far, this step will spice things up.
13. Play Romeo and Juliet:
Just as how the families of Romeo and Juliet were against their relationship, use prohibition to your advantage. Find a way to stylishly mention how a close friend or family member keeps telling you not to be with him.
Be inventive with your story, making him believe that you wish to have a relationship even though there are others against it will make him work harder to be with you.
14. Be a good listener:
Women like to be heard but so do men. Becoming a good listener is an easy step on how to make him miss you psychology.
The trick to achieving this is to become interested in every aspect of his life.
15. Make him feel special:
Men love to be appreciated even more than women do. Want your man to miss you then make him feel like a king by complimenting his qualities either his looks, his personality, or how he makes you feel.
16. Share a hobby:
The last but not the least of the 16 psychological tricks that will make him miss you is to share a hobby with your man.
Having similar interests will make him miss you when he engages in the hobby.
17 Simple Ways to Make Him Miss You So Much

The second half of how to make someone miss you without talking to them are simple tricks that will make your man want you more.
Whether your goal is to make him miss you after a breakup or you want your boyfriend to be more affectionate without coming off as desperate then you are in the right place.
Take a look at these 17 simple ways to make him miss you so much.
17. Support him:
How to make your boyfriend love you more? By simply becoming his biggest supporter.
Show your interest in the things he is passionate about, be supportive of his decisions, and be his personal cheerleader on every occasion.
18. Surprise him:
This step of the 17 simple ways to make him miss you so much will make your man adore you.
Surprise him at work with lunch or with breakfast in bed, buy his favorite cologne or aftershave. No matter how small the gesture it will go a long way in making him think about you.
19. Tempt him:
Another interesting method on how to make someone miss you without talking to them is to tempt your man with subtle gestures.
You can achieve this by gently touching his arms, thighs, and legs when you are in close quarters, hugging and kissing him occasionally, and licking your lips when he talks to you.
These gestures will be on his mind when he is away from you.
20. Mirror his actions:
Copying the movements he makes such as, how he folds his arms or reaching for your glass at the same time, makes you look cute.
This action will make him miss you whenever the memory pops up.
21. Smile:
One of the cutest methods on how to make someone miss you without talking to them is to smile.
This step should be easy for you to achieve, all you need to do is hold eye contact and smile as much as possible.
You can boost the effects of your smile by touching him lightly to get his attention and smiling brightly.
22. Take something of his:
This part of the 17 simple ways to make him miss you so much involves you taking his favorite t-shirt or an item he loves.
You can use the pretext of borrowing the item to get it. Whenever he thinks about it, he will also be thinking about you.
23. Have a sense of humour:
Another great step on how to make him miss you psychology is to make him laugh.
Having a sense of humour makes your man feel at ease, you can send him jokes or tell him funny stories about your life.
Whenever he remembers your jokes, it will not only bring a smile to his face but make him miss your company.
24. Be kind:
This step of the 17 simple ways to make him miss you so much focuses more on your personality.
Being kind is not as easy as it seems as certain situations will require you to make sacrifices for your man’s needs.
The trick is to not go beyond your limit, be courteous, and understanding. These attributes will make him miss you and want to be with you.
25. Avoid overthinking:
This step of the 17 simple ways to make him miss you so much also focuses on your personality.
If you are the type who gets easily worked up or jealous over things, you need to change that. If you have a pleasant attitude, you will be missed and vice versa.
To avoid overthinking or overeating to a situation, focus on staying calm and analyzing the problem before you react.
If what your man did was offensive to you, do not react in public but wait until you can talk to him privately.
26. Give him space:
Distance is an important factor in how to make him miss you psychology. A man cannot miss you if he is always with you, giving him space does more good than harm.
His life is not limited to interactions with you, give him the freedom to enjoy his space, or hang out with his loved ones and friends without bombarding him with questions about his whereabouts.
This way he will surely miss you when someone mentions your name or he thinks about you.
27. Be real:
The most obvious of the 17 simple ways to make him miss you so much is to be yourself. Men love women who are not afraid to be themselves.
How you present yourself is how he will see you, how you love yourself will make him love you the same way.
Pretending to be someone you are not will only push him away. If you want a man to miss you, show him the parts of you worth missing.
28. Share new experiences:
How to make your boyfriend love you more? Share new and exciting experiences together.
Following the same routine over time will make any relationship stale, to ignite the flames of romance you need to keep the adrenaline flowing.
Plan an adventurous date like going mountain climbing, canoeing, enjoy a trip to safari, or booking going to a resort, choose something that you are both comfortable with and you can afford it.
The purpose of this is to give your man more reasons to miss you
29. The romantic texts:
Texting is an effective method on how to make him miss you psychology. The point of romantic texts is to help limit your communication with your man but also makes him crave more which in turn makes him miss you.
This method works best when it is not done frequently but occasionally when he least expects it. Here are a few examples of romantic texts:
● I love the warmth I feel when we hug, I love the scent of your cologne on my clothes, I love how your kisses send electricity down to my toes.
● The sound of our voice is my favorite song, it makes me smile like a little girl.
● If this is a dream then I never want to wake up, reality would be a nightmare without your love.
30. Have interesting conversations:
A good way to make a man miss you is by having intriguing conversations with him. Do not let your topic of discussion be boring like ‘how his day was or what he had for dinner?’
Think of unique things to discuss, for example, your similar interests, his future plans, his bucket list, and so on.
If you find it hard to come up with something to discuss you can let him take the lead and follow suit with creative replies to draw out the conversation.
31. Connect with his friends:
Being on good terms with his friends will help get your man to miss you more.
When he is with his friends, your name will definitely come up in their discussions, either they are reminiscing about something you for or asking about your welfare.
32. Stimulate his mind:
Another spicy step on how to make him miss you psychology is to help your man associate positive and add sentimental emotions to your presence.
Use your time together to create opportunities that will leave him thinking about you after he leaves.
You can achieve this by:
● Being romantic with a lot of subtle gesture like holding his hands, using your legs to brush against his, hugging him tighter, as well as whispering in his ears.
● Make him conscious of you by drawing attention to your body either by wearing an outfit with bold colors or a dress that emphasizes your curves and legs.
● Make sure your time together is filled with only fun memories and not of you fighting.
Finding your own unique way to make him think about you after he leaves, will not only make him miss you when you are apart but also make him crave you more.
33. Show him your wife qualities:
The last but not the least of the 17 simple ways to make a man miss you so much is to show him the qualities that make you the perfect wife material.
You can achieve this by:
● Showing off your cooking skills, invite him over to taste your cooking occasionally. If you can bake, prepare cookies or cupcakes for him.
● When he has a bad or stressful day, offer to help him. You can give him a foot rub, or a simple back rub.
● You can offer to do him small favors such as picking up his laundry, getting him coffee, or going shopping with him.
How do you make someone miss me without talking to them?
Dress up and fix dates with your friends, post pictures from your outing and play hard to get with him.
How do you make someone miss you badly?
This is quite interesting, go about your life by posting photos of you having fun. Keep your distance with them and make them want you more.
How do you make him miss me without texting?
Spend some time by doing what you love best. You have to stop texting first as this would leave him wondering why you stop doing that, this will cause him to start thinking about you.
How do you make someone miss you psychologically?
You have to work more on yourself. Every man loves an independent woman, your scent, looks, and dress. Just leave something behind and this will cause them to miss you.
Doing this and more is a sure way to make a man miss you so much but also help him realize that you are a woman worth committing to.
Relationships differ for everyone but by following these 33 steps you are sure to achieve not only your goals but also build a stronger connection with your partner.
Remember anything worthwhile takes time and considerable effort, do not rush the process but trust that the journey will yield results.
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