20 Direct Signs God is Leading You to the One
In our world of today where there’s so much turmoil as concern relationships and marriages, taking relational decision can seem very hard; This being as a result of the various heartbreaking news you hear daily as regards relationships and marriages, which span from near-marriage breakup to separation to divorce and even gruesome outcomes, that are effects of going into a relationship not led by God.
To avoid the turmoil, it will be of benefit to know the signs God is leading you to the one.
Some eligible singles become more frightened to get into marital relationships due to the fear of ending up with someone considered not to be the one right for them.
Therefore, they stay afloat as concern taking decisions in the direction of marital relationships.
Others feel discouraged. They seem so ready to meet the one meant for them. If you belong to this category, you might be feeling alone or ready to move on to the next phase in your life.
Either way, you yearn to meet your future partner, though it has seemed impossible so far. In moments like these, you often marvel if the one for you is out there.
More so, with so many dysfunctional marriages and relationships in the world, where statistics have shown the high rate of breakups and divorce annually.
Hence, the need to know these 20 direct signs that God is leading you to the one. Want to know the signs? What you are about to read will show you these signs.
How to Know if God is Leading You into a Relationship

Confusion has always led to frustration, and this has always been the effect of the lack of knowledge or leading from God.
Entering into a relationship without the signs God is leading you to the one you’re with, will definitely have fatal consequences, which will get you confused, broken, and ultimately frustrated.
Thus it becomes ideal to understand how to know if God is leading you into a relationship.
Getting into a relationship that God has led you into will give you confidence. Hence, every form of confusion is defeated.
Just as the Bible has rightly said, that God is not an author of confusion, and also, that He has wonderful plans for us.
Getting to know the “how” is essentially beneficial as it will help you discern the relationship God wants you in. Can God lead me into a relationship?
How do I know if God is leading me into a relationship? Here’s how.
● There is peace within you as you venture into the relationship
If you’re looking for ways on how to know if God is leading you into a relationship or signs that God is leading you to the one, it is the peace you feel within yourself when you decide to go into the relationship.
Surrendering a relationship to God gives this inner peace, which has often posed as an indicator for safe ventures with advantages.
Inner peace indicates safety in any relationship you endeavor to go into. Breakups, divorce, or separation will not be your end when you venture into a relationship with this inner peace as a sign that God had led you into the relationship
● It is not forced
No Love relationship that God leads into is forced. One way on how to know if God is leading you into a relationship is that you don’t feel forced or anxious.
I’ve seen people who wanted so eagerly to be in love that they tried to manipulate a wrong relationship into a love relationship. Love is supposed to feel voluntary not forced.
When you venture into a relationship on your own volition by the help of the Spirit, it’s a sign God is leading you into it.
● You see a future in the relationship
A relationship that has no future with you in it is a bad sign, and you must strive not to get into such.
God, our loving father would want His children to enjoy their relationships, hence, he gives signs that organize our choices.
Another sign God is leading you to that relationship is if you discern a future that includes you in it.
A relationship where priorities are directed to satisfy momentary pleasure is not one you should venture into either as a guy or a lady as such a relationship does not consider future possibilities.
If, after you evaluate the conditions and features surrounding the relationship you’re about to get into, and you discern a beautiful future, it is God leading you into that relationship. Discernment comes from God by His Spirit.
Hence, the need for a cordial relationship with God to know His mind even matters regarding your love relationship.
● When the relationship preaches the mutual value
God leads His children into relationships that will make them better. A relationship you get into which devalues you is not of or from God.
Mutual value refers to the value gained from both parties in a relationship that contributes to individual advancement.
This value spans from development in individual careers, purpose, finance, and life generally.
When you as an eligible single build up value in yourself, going into a relationship by God’s leading with the other person who has also built up so much value is one of the signs God is leading you to the one.
Going into a relationship that God has led you into will cause you to increase in value, importance, and significance.
● You meet new people
Another indicator of how to know if God is leading you into a relationship is that you meet new people. It could be a new friend from work, or school, or even your place of worship.
Have you noticed the entrance of new people into your life recently? That’s a sign God is leading you to the one. It could be any one of the new friends you made.
Just as David had to meet Saul before he could meet Saul’s daughter, Micah. Meeting new people has always meant having new relationships.
● When you are ready
God wouldn’t jeopardize the safety of His children when He knows they are not prepared for a relationship. God’s timing for relationships is tied to readiness.
Hence, He trains them and makes them ready before sending or leading them, even in relationships.
If you’re not ready for a relationship, God will never lead you into one. This being said, how do you know if God is leading you into a relationship?
It is when you’re ready mentally, emotionally, financially, and even more importantly, spiritually. The realization of this state of readiness helps you to know if God is leading you into a relationship or not.
● Random coincidence
When random coincidences happen often in your life, it’s a sign that God is leading you into a relationship.
It could be that you met an old school friend in a bus station or a conversation ensued with a past work colleague. These happenings called coincidences don’t just happen.
You may overlook some of it, but could it be that it’s a sign that God is leading you to the one?
It could be that you’ll eventually end up with that colleague of yours from your past work or a relative of your old school friend.
Take your time to evaluate the often coincidences in your life to see the one God is leading you to.
5 Signs of a God-Ordained Relationship

“Life is relationships; The rest is just details” – Gary Smalley.
In life, we often get into various types of relationships, which can either be toxic or of benefit to us.
It often seems exhausting searching for signs God is leading you to the one you’re in a relationship with, although the least of persons want God’s best in a relationship to escape from the toxic effect of a bad relationship.
With this then, it is of necessity to know and follow these 5 signs of a God-ordained relationship.
Any relationship ordained by God is bound to yield good results, build value in those involved in such a relationship, and even cause a positive change in the world.
These 5 signs of a God-ordained relationship you will learn as you continue to read.
1. The relationship has God’s blessing
A relationship you get into by following the signs of a God-ordained relationship is bound to have God’s blessing on it.
This is proven by the scriptures Deuteronomy 28:2 “And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.”
God blesses everything He has a hand in. When your relationship is void of confusion, lack, disfavor, and frustration, it shows you followed the divine signs God is leading you to the one.
Do you want to know if your relationship is ordained by God? Check for His blessings.
2. There is proof of progress
The proof of progress is a sign of a God-ordained relationship.
Progress is seen in every aspect of a relationship in which one or both partners have adhered to the signs God is leading you to the one in the first place.
Progress in your career, your self-development, and even in other relationships. These, and many more are the types of progress you will experience as a sign that you’re in a relationship ordained by God.
3. The relationship fulfils God’s purpose
God has always done everything for a purpose. When God leads you into a relationship, that means He has a purpose he wants the relationship to fulfill.
This is a sign of a God-ordained relationship; It is driven by purpose. Finding that purpose is important, as it will channel the course of the relationship.
Every purpose boils down to one thing in God’s mind; The advancement of His kingdom on earth.
Therefore, if you’re going into a relationship without checking this sign, there may come devastating effects. God had a purpose for the relationship between Mary and Joseph; which was to give birth to and cater for the Messiah.
Is God leading you into that relationship? Find His purpose in that relationship.
4. There is a mutual understanding of the relationship
Evidence of a God-ordained relationship is mutual understanding between those involved.
When you follow the signs God used to lead you to the one you’re with, there’ll be understanding, and love will abound in such a relationship.
Understanding each other’s excesses, flaws, pains, down period and the like helps in the relationship.
Therefore, you must watch out for these signs. If your relationship lacks understanding as one of its foundations, it’s evident that it is not a God-ordained relationship.
5. There is no possibility of divorce
Statistics have shown an increase in divorce rates annually. This extends majorly from not checking for the signs of a God-ordained relationship.
A God-ordained relationship will have misunderstandings, but it never leads to a divorce.
This is because those involved followed God’s signs and were led to each other. Knowing God and His principles guide one from falling out completely in any relationship.
Near-marriage breakups, separation in marital relationships, and divorce are not the effects of a God-ordained relationship.
5 Signs He is the One God has for You

As an eligible single lady, who wants to have a blissful relationship, you must seek the one God has for you.
In times like this when relationship goals for most ladies are patterned after celebrity lifestyles portrayed on social platforms and TV programs. To know the signs he is the one God has for you is the best bet to having a blissful relationship as a lady.
What are the signs God is leading you to the one you consider to be in a relationship with? If you seem to be asking this question.
Continue reading as I show you 5 signs he is the one God has for you.
1. He is godly
A major sign he is the one God has for you is that he is godly. God will only send a godly man to His godly daughter.
This is a crucial sign to check before you agree to start a relationship with him. Godly men understand love better when compared with an ungodly man.
God is love, hence, His children should possess love as a trait. When you see a man of love, he is godly. A godly man takes care of his partner in the best manner.
Do you want to know if he is the one for you? Check for godliness.
2. He is capable
A man God has prepared for you must be capable. The term “Capable” spans across finances, emotions, maturity and so much more.
Is he able to cater for you? To cultivate you? Yes! That is another sure sign God is leading you to him.
If he is the one God has for you, he must be capable in his mind as well.
These days, we find incapable men getting into a relationship with a woman, that kind of relationship is always full of regret.
Ensure you watch for this sign in a man you consider a provision from God.
3. He is patient and understanding
An impatient man in a relationship ruins such a relationship. If he is patient, that are signs he is the one God has for you.
Patience is the quality of a man that is able to condone a lady’s excesses without complaining all the time.
4. There is the unison of purpose and vision
Another major pointer he is the one God has for you is the unison of Purpose. Meeting at a coffee shop and getting into a relationship without a common interest is a bad sign for any relationship.
Fulfillment is the fruit that comes from a relationship where those involved have a unison of purpose. Unison of purpose or vision in a relationship enables the longevity of such a relationship.
If the purpose of a relationship is known, abuse in whatever kind has been defeated.
The lack of knowledge of this purpose gives room for confusion and frustration. As a lady in search of a sign for the one God has prepared for her, review the relationship for this sign.
5. He is a friend
The one God has prepared for you should be a friend. A female is first an emotional being before logical. Thus, they tend to get quickly connected with one that is a friend.
A friend is one you can share things with, including your innermost thoughts. A sign God is leading you to such a relationship with him is his friendliness.
No one will be suited to an unfriendly partner. Therefore, as a lady, you need to check for this sign in him.
Companionship in a relationship is a component of friendship in the relationship. A man with a friendly feature is always better suited than one without it.
5 Signs She is the One to Marry

As an eligible single man, knowing the signs God is leading you to the one is an advantage, as this will mean having a relationship void of a nagging wife.
Getting married can seem very exhausting as it will require a deep search for the right woman.
These days, eligible single men try to escape this reality, by focusing on other aspects of their lives like their careers. This becomes devastating in the process due to the negligence of the marital aspect.
Getting married to the right person as an eligible single seems a herculean task. Any help? You may be asking. Here are 5 signs she is the one to marry.
1. When she is submissive and calm
Submission in a marital relationship is the attitude to be sustained by the woman in that relationship. One of the signs she is the one to marry is submission.
A woman that can’t submit in a marital relationship will be a nagging wife.
God wants the woman in every relationship to submit. Submissions for the woman is a clue every man should check meticulously, as signs God is leading you to the one.
2. She supports you
A woman prepared to get married understands the place of her support in the life of her soon-to-be-husband. Many women these days find it hard to support their partners, rather, they demand and keep making demands.
As much as this is not bad in itself; a woman without a sense of support is nowhere close to exhibiting signs that she is the one to be married to.
A marriage where the woman withdraws her support suffers difficulties in every area. A convincing sign that she is the one to marry is her corroboration.
Only a hardworking and supportive woman will be able to achieve happiness in your life. She won’t need you to give her everything at all times.
Rather, she will be there helping and encouraging you on the way to your objectives in career and other aspects.
3. She is a companion
Companionship in a relationship is of the essence. A sign that she is the one to marry is if she is a companion. A companion is one who you can open up to, irrespective of the frailty of the situation.
A companion is one who sticks through thick and thin. Also, a companion is one who doesn’t get bored of you as a man.
Men, being more logical can be an issue. A woman who is a companion understands her partner and has the ability to spend time with him.
She never gets bored with her partner.
The capacity to spend a lot of time together is one of the most crucial qualities that two people should maintain if they want to get married and last in it.
Companionship in a marital relationship helps the relationship to grow. Therefore, a sign God is leading you to the one who exists in her ability to be a companion.
4. She shares equal interests
One of the signs she is the one to marry is if she shares an equal interest. Sharing an equal interest in goals, leisure activities, religious beliefs, and much more help a relationship blossom and free from bumps.
Ever imagined a lion in partnership with a doe? Impossible right? That’s how it gets if she doesn’t share an equal interest.
If there are some things that you both love to do, you’ll both communicate well, also, the higher the rate of your success in your marriage.
If otherwise, you can begin to explore a new interest like some outdoor games like hiking or develop an interest in each other’s interest to make sure you both share equal interest.
5. She is consistent and family-oriented
The quality of the consistency is crucial as it helps you know who your partner truly Is and what she can do or not do.
This quality coupled with the quality of being family-oriented is a sign she is the one to marry. Being consistent in a relationship is being predictable.
This improves the relationship.
These qualities if seen in a lady are signs God is leading you to the one. A lady who is not consistent or predictable is volatile, and this is not good for a relationship or a family.
5 Signs God is Leading You to the One True Love

The complex man has always yearned to experience love. This craving has for a long time lingered in the heart of man; to find true love.
This has not always been the experience for many, as they still get hurt in their search for true love.
When you don’t see the indications that God is leading you to the one you want to get into a relationship with, true love is not found.
Here are 5 signs God is leading you to the one true love you seek to experience.
Read on, as I show you amazing signs to look out for when God is leading you in your search for true love.
1. Honesty
When you meet someone willing to be honest with you even when you get mad
Honest people are always hard to find, as people generally are always pleased to hear what they want to hear, even when it’s a lie.
When you meet an honest person who tells you the truth, such one loves you truly.
When someone sees you doing something bad to yourself and decides to say it, not minding if you’ll get mad, that is true love and sings God is leading you to the one true love.
2. Faithfulness
When you meet someone who goes out of their way to avoid temptations, just to maintain a relationship with you.
When temptation arises in your relationship and your partner avoids such just to remain in relationship with you, that’s an indication God is leading you to the one true love.
The devil, who detests Christ-centered relationships, will go to any length to dent such a relationship by introducing temptations.
Therefore, when someone truly loves you, they do their best to guard against temptations and the devil.
No one is perfect, but when someone loves you, they will do whatever they can to avoid stumbling that is meant to destroy your relationship because it sends glory to God.
3. Loyalty
When your partner’s expressions of love are seen from their loyalty to you, that is an indication that they truly love you.
There are so many important manifestations of true love, but at the top of the list is commitment or loyalty. It’s not always the one who shouts the loudest support for you that loves you the most.
Rather, the person who sticks to you when no one is there, the one who is always having your back even when it costs them, the person who won’t leave you through thick and thin.
This is the sign of the one true love God is leading you to. God is faithful to those he loves because you can’t have true love without loyalty.
So when someone is trustworthy, that is a sign they truly love
4. Confidence
When you’re confident in the relationship with the one you love. Confidence in your relationship is a sign God is leading you to the one true love.
Confidence in relationships allows you to be yourself without faking things. Confidence allows you to be plain and truthful with your partner and not have fears that he or she will leave as a result of that.
This confidence is another sign that God is leading you to the one.
5. When love is not fleeting
Unlike true love, infatuation is fleeting. You may feel so in love earlier in a relationship, but after a while, things start changing.
An example is a dislike your partner has for your eating habit or your spending habit. This is not true love. True love doesn’t fleet.
It is maintained throughout the relationship. A sign God has led you into true love is when it doesn’t fickle like the weather.
How do you know if God is leading you to someone?
This means that you feel comfortable and you feel at peace around them. Thank god if your partner is your best friend, this makes relationships more peaceful and interesting.
How do you know if God is preparing you for a relationship?
When you have a good relationship with God, he would prepare for you nothing but the best relationship with a man after his heart.
How do you know when God is redirecting you?
God would not leave his own to suffer, especially in a toxic relationship. His opinion truly matters in all that you do, leave Him to redirect you.
How do you know God wants you to be single?
You have to be close to God to know this, pray and ask Him. let him direct you to whatever life he wants for you.
Now, you have profound knowledge about the one that should be in your life and make you feel true love. With these 20 signs God is leading you to the one, you’re good to go and enjoy love with the right person.
Do not forget to share this to help someone out there who wants to be led by God to find the true one to be with and kindly leave a comment I like to know your thoughts on this topic. More importantly, remember to always follow these 20 signs to know when God is leading you to the one for you.
These are very profound truths. God bless you immensely, Bamidele.