27 Direct Signs God is Speaking to You Now in 2022
The importance of being able to discern the sign and recognize that God is speaking to you in this present time cannot be overemphasized.
With so many signs that circumstances, imaginations and, the voice of the flesh bring therefore competing with the real voice of God.
Due to this effect, it is of great importance that you recognized the signs God is speaking to you.
God has never been silent and would never be, he always has something to say in every issue and challenges of life as it unfolds.
God is still speaking but the big question is how do you know God has a message for you.
Sometimes you have been faced with great challenges and on the verge of giving up, you wish God would speak to you.
In some other cases, you might have prayed to God for directions and it seems you have gotten an answer but yet you need a sign of confirmation from God.
Whatever the case may be, God is still speaking and, to clear your doubt and guarantee you on this, you need to know the signs God is speaking to you.
How to Discern Gods Voice from Your Own

There is a clear difference between the voice of God and that of man (YOU).
God speaks in diverse ways so it is necessary you understand the signs God is speaking to you and in other to achieve this it is important you have adequate knowledge on how to discern God’s voice from your own.
There are two major ways to discern Gods voice from your own:
#1. God’s voice is confirmed by the scriptures:
The Bible is the most important book in the world and must be a guideline to every believer, the Bible is a powerful weapon and an important manual that will teach you how to discern God’s voice from your own.
God magnifies His words more than His name Psalm 138:2. His voice is contained in His word and thus cannot contradict itself, in the scripture lies revelation and truth.
Due to this, you need to be very familiar with the scripture so you can always run back to it in times of confusion.
#2. The Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit is the promise of Jesus unto you, who is meant to guide and teach you in all things. If you are born again, The Holy Spirit is living and abiding in your spirit.
The holy spirit communicates to you through your spirit and your spirit, of course, communicates to your mind by your inward witness.
How to Hear from God Directly

At some point in life, you develop a burning desire to know the right, next and best step or decision to make and, hence you want to hear from God directly, thus it becomes ideal to discern the signs God is speaking to you.
Hearing from God directly has to do with having an undying love for Him and opening the doors of your heart for Him to dwell. Rev.3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me” (KJV).
You have to build a strong cord of friendship with God in other to hear from him literally. John 10:27 “My sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me” (NIV).
Here’s how to hear from God directly.
#3. God Speaks Through Scriptures:
The Bible is the voice of God in written form. Constant study of the Bible, meditation and, prayer is very paramount for every believer who wants to hear from God directly and discern the signs God is speaking to you.
God’s word is light, it is powerful, it leads and gives strength. Psalms 119:105 “Thy word is a light unto my feet and a light unto my path” (KJV).
#4. God Speaks Through Other People You Share The Same Faith:
Fellowship with other believers is also a way to hear from God directly.
Through conversation with other believer’s personal experience – how God speaks to them and how they were able to overcome some situations, there is always lifting in your inner man and encouragement and strength is drawn.
Romans 1:12” that is that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me”. (NKJV).
#5. God Speaks Through Dreams:
God speaks directly through dreams and you must be sensitive enough to remember and take certain actions immediately.
Daniel 2:19. “Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in vision. So, Daniel blessed the God of Heaven” (NKJV).
#6. Audible hearing:
This is a way that does not require questioning or arguments because you can hear God’s voice directly and audibly.
You might hear Gods voice audibly the same way you hear when someone calls your name or when someone is speaking to you, just as in the case of Prophet Samuel in the book of 1 Samuel 3:4-5 “that the Lord called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I, and he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me and he said, I called you not; lie down again. And he went and lay down.
Audible speaking and hearing were one powerful way God spoke to his prophets, priests, kings, and servants in the old testament.
The first man created by God (Adam), heard from God audibly (Genesis 3:10), Moses (Exodus 20:22).
God never changes. Hebrews 13:8 confirms this. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (KJV).
It has not been recorded in the Bible that He has stopped speaking to His children audibly therefore you can still hear from God in an audible voice.
Isaiah 30:21 “And thy ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left” (KJV).
#7. God speaks directly through sermons:
Every service or church program is meant for particular souls because God’s presence is always present in the fellowship of brethren.
God’s words are God’s voice and hence must be preached in every Christian gathering through sermon or words of exhortation.
God speaks directly through sermons preached in churches by pastors, apostles, teachers, unit leaders. It is therefore very important that you attend every service prepared with an open heart to receive from God and hence.
Now that you know how to hear from God directly, here is what you should do when God speaks to you.
What to do when God Speaks to You

God’s voice is the most treasured and valuable thing in life and so total obedience to every word of God must be maintained.
What to do when God speaks to you is to obey totally without arguments and apply God’s word accordingly.
II Corinthians 10:5. “Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (NKJV).
Sometimes in life, you go through some circumstances and you want to know if God still cares for you. It is important to note that these circumstances might be a sign God is speaking to you.
This question would be answered as we proceed with these steps.
5 Signs God is Speaking to You Through Circumstances
God speaks through circumstances either with what you are going through or what someone else has gone through and by communicating with others you draw hope, peace and, also encouragement.
Be observant and sensitive because it might be a sign God is speaking to you. Read closely as we discuss 5 signs God speaking to you through circumstances.
#8. When the Circumstances are in Line with the Word of God (Bible):
God is never an author of confusion therefore His voice aligns with the scriptures. God can never change in any way to suit your circumstance therefore you need to align and apply God’s word in that circumstance.
#9. Re-occurrence of a Particular incidence:
God speaks through repeated instances and you must be very sensitive to understand this and act in total obedience.
A man once had this burning desire to go and preach the gospel in a village with no prior knowledge of the location.
So, on this faithful day, he was on a journey to this village, and unfortunately, the bus he boarded broke down in a particular village so timid and he perceived in his spirit that the gospel needs to be shared here yet he needed signs to confirmation from God.
Upon returning from the village the bus he boarded also broke down at that particular spot leading to the village and then he knew it was a sign God is speaking to him and not just mere coincidence.
#10. God Uses People to Confirm His Voice:
Sometimes in life, you might have been through a lot and on the verge of giving up, God uses people to confirm His voice, and through their life experiences and how they were able to overcome, you become strengthened and encouraged.
This is a clear sign God is speaking to you through circumstances.
#11. Test the Circumstances in the Light of God’s Plan:
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thought I have towards you, thought of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end” (KJV).
The plans of God for our lives are for peace not for war, pain, or tears therefore there is a need for you to test the circumstances in the light of God’s plan for your life.
It is of great benefit to know that the wish of God is the will of God and the will of God is the word of God.
God’s will is a good life for you and this cannot be changed no matter who is pleased with it or not. Therefore, if such circumstances are full of sorrow and tears then be sure it is not a sign from God.
#12. Entreat God to Reveal to you his Standpoint on the Circumstance:
Divine direction is our access to a life of great manifestation and positive results. It is also a way out of undesired situations.
You must entreat God to reveal to you his standpoint on the circumstance and to teach you what to do.
Wisdom and divine guidance come from God and grace to always ask of the Father whatever it is you need have been given unto you so it is of great importance you maximize it and ask God what His view is and be sure the answer to know how God is leading you would be made known to you.
5 Ways to Know God is Speaking to You
The voice of God comes with so much difference, it makes the hearer tremble not for fear of danger but in awestruck of peace and better understanding that results to godly living which is vital to know the signs God is speaking to you with a sharp difference to the voice of the intruder –the devil.
Here are 5 ways to Know God is Speaking to You
#13. Through your Inward Witness:
Romans 8:16a “the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit” (KJV). It is important to know that being led by the inward witness is one of the primary ways to know God is speaking to You.
Often time you want to take steps or make decisions or about a particular thing and you have something as some folks call it on the inside telling you to wait, check or even stop, it wasn’t even a thing that said that it was your inward witness – your spirit.
You have to pay attention closely to that it’s a clear direct sign God is speaking to you.
#14. Through the Holy Spirit:
John 16:13 ”Howbeit when He, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come”(KJV).
The Holy Spirit does speak and whatever message He hears God say is what He ministers to your spirit either by a still small voice or by your inward witness as earlier discussed.
#15. Through Circumstances:
As earlier discussed, it is important to know that God speaks through circumstances and not just a mere coincidence.
Rapt attention must be paid and a correct application of God’s word to overcome.
#16. Through Dreams and Vision:
Dreams and visions are also important ways to know God is speaking to you. Act 10:3 “he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God is coming into him, and saying unto him Cornelius” (KJV).
Note: you must always try as much as possible to remember your dreams and vision and act accordingly.
#17. God Speaks Through Nature:
Also, amidst other ways to know God is speaking to you is through nature. God uses natural things around you as a way to get your attention and communicate with you.
The story of Balaam’s Donkey in Numbers 22:21-28 and Gideon in Judges 6:36-40 are clear examples of God speaking through nature.
Natural things like rain, sun, moon, to mention but a few are also signs God is speaking to you.
God never wants His people to perish or be in pain therefore He speaks to us always. Are you sensitive enough to know when God has a message for you? He does have a message for you.
5 Signs God Has a Message for You
God’s plan for you is that you prosper and be in good health but most times our attention and love for God are questionable due to circumstances and the things of this world.
Yet, God loves us and still draws our attention to Him with signs. On this note, how do you then discern these 5 signs God has a message for you.
#18. Discomfort on The Inside:
Sometimes God might be trying to get your attention but due to distractions, it becomes difficult to notice that God has a message for you, therefore He makes you uncomfortable, your peace of mind begins to depreciate, please know this, is not that God wants to frustrate you.
Once you pay attention carefully to this you will see that it is a clear sign God is saying something and He needs your keen attention.
#19. A Burden to Always Pray:
Prayer is communication with God and communication is never complete without a response.
Therefore, when you start having the zeal to always pray or communicate to God there is an assurance that God has something to say to you.
In this state, you want to release your burden and you find yourself uttering words of prayer at every given point or occasion.
When you find yourself doing this, it signifies that God has something to say to you because He always speaks in the place of prayer.
#20. Constant Study of the Scripture:
God’s words are contained in the scripture and when you start having a constant urge to study the bible and spending quality time to meditate on the scripture it indicates that God has a message for you.
#21. Through Quotes:
One of the signs God has a message for you is through quotes. You may be on a stroll and God speaks to you through quotes.
Someone once said” I was motivated to get up and become useful in life because of a quote I came across on my way back from church.
“You cannot sleep like you are competing with the dead and expect to become rich in the land of the living.”
#22. Symbols:
One of the ways God uses to get your attention is through symbols, signs, or pictures.
At times some certain pictures or symbols might just flash in your mind, pay attention closely it might be God speaking to you to pray or reach out to them.
God has a message for you, the only thing you need is to pay attention not to miss the signs God is speaking to you.
5 Signs from God that He is the One Speaking to You
The voice of God has a mechanism that reverbs whatever it communicates, the voice speaks with so much difference, full of love, peace, and chastisement.
Hence there is always a sign God is speaking to you. Without further ado, what are the 5 signs from God that He is the one speaking to You
#23. The voice of the Lord is powerful and full of Majesty:
Psalm 29:4 “the voice of the Lord is powerful and the voice of the Lord is full of majesty” (KJV).
It is important to understand that Gods words are full of power, He doesn’t stammer neither does He shake when speaking, hence once you hear that unshakable voice either audible or within your spirit be sure to know it’s a sign from God that He is the one speaking to you.
#24. All Round Rest and Peace of Mind:
John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do, I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (KJV).
God’s voice brings peace and rest to the troubled heart.
#25. God’s words are confirmed in the scripture:
God’s words are all contained in the scripture, John 1:1 “in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God” (KJV).
God confirms His words through the scripture and therefore His voice must align with the scripture.
#26. Through the Holy Spirit:
Before the ascension of Jesus to Heaven He promised us the gift of the Holy Spirit which is meant to be our comforter and guide.
John 14:26 “but the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all the things that I said to you.
The comfort from the Holy spirit after the voice of God is a sign from God that He is the one speaking to you.
#27. Exponential Explosion of Blessings:
God’s words are full of blessings and prosperity because He wishes above all things that we should prosper and be of good health. Knowing and yielding to God’s word comes with a huge blessing.
What are the signs that God is speaking to you?
God speaks mostly through the Bible. A particular Bible verse keeps coming to you. He also speaks through His words. He directs signs through His word.
How do you know when God is trying to show you something?
You know God is trying to show you something when the stuff keeps recurring. When something happens repeatedly, know that it is a sign from God.
What does God’s voice sound like?
God’s voice is not to be compared to any other voice, because it is powerful and it definitely will bring conviction.he speaks through a calm, and gentle voice.
How do you feel now to be able to identify the signs God is speaking to you? I am sure you are empowered and have full confidence that God is never silent. He has something to say. Do not forget to leave a comment and share this article with others you might be helping someone who is already losing hope in God.
Hi. I would just like to share that I visited this site because I wanted confirmation that what I experienced was truly God”s voice speaking to me. I can undoubtedly say YES! It clearly references PSALM 29:4 which states: “God’s voice is powerful, he doesn’t stammer nor shake when speaking”. This is my experience: I recently spoke to a longtime family friend who took care of me for a while when my mother was receiving medical care when I was around 10 yrs old. I am now 52 yrs old. I was shocked that I was unable to understand her words. She kept saying yah, yah, and mumbling some other incoherent words. I prayed to God to let me understand her and to be able to have her speak clearly. Suddenly she said in clear precise words: “Tell Julianne I am ok”. A few minutes later, after several minutes of incoherent speech, I recited a poem she taught me about Jesus when I was a child and I asked her if she liked that and she clearly said “yah I like that”. I am confident that God is with her and that eases my mind. I hope this has inspired one or many of you readers. I truly believe in the power of God in all His forms! Peace and Love.